Release Date: 10/07/2022 – Cross Bones Records
The boys are back and they brought the weird loudness with them. Bent is different in form, feel and function than any previous Blister album. After the passing of the notorious Nat, the band floundered about for years… until Larry Love began writing the songs that would jolt Blister back to life. Banging out short, fast, edgy tuneage with Larry manning guitar and vocals and Dave slogging away on the drums for the first time in forever… everything felt new and fun again. So, Dave started writing too and here we are with 20 new songs.
Featuring: Molly’s Gone, Jumping Away, She’s a Wonder and Fauci Says.
No Good Deeds
Release Date: 10/21/2016 – Cross Bones Records
1 Girl, 2 Guys, 3 Chords… Blood, Sweat & Feedback… that was the Blister’s motto for nearly 2 decades. But nothing lasts forever. Natasha Fatale, became ill. Initially doctors gave her 3 days to live, but they underestimated her stubborn nature and relentless will. Blister had a handful of new songs and she had every intention of recording them. So as soon as she was well enough to strap on her bass, recording an album became Blister’s main focus. Natasha lived almost 3 years longer than they thought she would. Long enough to squeeze in a few more gigs, write a few more songs and lay down 19 final tracks. The truth is, as soon as she knew her bass parts were done, she simply relaxed and she was gone. A bitter pill for the band, but they soldiered on. And finally here it is… 19 songs, almost 60 minutes of music, almost 20 years of love, joy, struggle, friendship, memories and shared dreams, all frozen in time together on one last album. 1 Girl, 2 Guys, 3 Chords… Blister will never be that again, but the blood, the sweat & the feedback… that’s all here in every second of every song. on their album, No Good Deeds.
Featuring: Relapse, Society, Drone, Tourist and Brainwash.
Release Date: 07/10/2012 – Cross Bones Records
Featuring Blister’ country & western cult classic Blood in the Wind (written for zombie thriller, Fistful of Brains), together with b-sides, demos & holiday songs… Leftovers is the misfit island of Blister’s catalog. It’s also a must have for the fan of Blister deep cuts.
Featuring: Blood in the Wind, the Only One, Happy Happy Birthday and Just My Luck.
Alive Again
Release Date: 08/01/2006 – Cross Bones Records
A live recording of a one night show, Alive Again is a great representation of exactly what Blister’s live shows were like in the prime with the original 3.
Featuring: Nine More Minutes, J. Savage & the Episcopals, Abuse and Clash cover Should I Stay or Should I Go